Why You Need a Digital Brand - Fleximize

Why You Need a Digital Brand

Don't let competitors get ahead - get a digital strategy.

By Marcia Smith

We live in an age where digital communication surrounds us 24/7. With smartphones, tablets, iPads, and computers, it isn’t difficult to stay in the public eye. Brand awareness and good communication with your target market is what makes the difference between a booming business and a failing business.

Major part of marketing strategy

For many businesses, their online presence is a vital part of their marketing strategy and hugely important in establishing their brand identity. Many customers now search the web before making a purchase, regardless of whether they buy online or in person.

Millions of people now like to shop and research information online, so if you don’t have a strong online presence, you can guarantee your competitors will, and this will lead to your potential customers going to them instead.

Digital branding begins with a website

Certainly, no business should be without a professional website. Even in sectors without online sales, such as restaurants and leisure services, potential customers will often gain their first impression of you from your website.

However, to work out exactly how important your website is in attracting customers from your competitors – and therefore how much of your marketing budget it deserves – it’s always worth asking your existing customers how important it was in influencing their decision.

You can also run tests to see what impact making small or large changes to your website has on customers’ response.